Java vs. C# Performance Comparison for Parsing VCF Files

Making a comparison with a reasonably complex program ported between the two languages.

Update 3/10/2014: After writing this post I changed the C# parser to remove an extra List<> allocation in the C# code that was not in the Java code.  After this, the Java/C# versions are indistinguishable on speed, but the C# code used ~88 MB of memory while the java version used >1GB.  Therefore, I now believe the winner is C# and a fast implementation of this parser (which can be over an order of magnitude faster for certain scenarios not in this test) is available here

VCF files are a popular way to store information about genotypic variation from next generation sequencing studies.  The files are essentially large matrices, where each element in the matrix represents a collection of information about the genotype of a particular person at a particular locus in the genome (in this sense, they can be considered as a multi-dimensional matrix in a flat file format). The Java Picard package is a common utility used for parsing these files.  While parsing, the challenge is to read each line (row) of the file, and construct objects for each element in that row that can then be manipulated or inspected.  I just finished translating the Java VCF parser in Picard to C#, and so thought it might be a good chance to compare the two different languages and runtimes. C# showed a number of advantages in the translation.  The translation itself was mostly a lot of deleting.  The get/set assessors in C# really allowed for the removal of seemingly endless amount of getXXXX/setXXX methods in Java.  It also seemed like every other line in Java was a call to some apache commons class to perform a simple task like get the maximum value in an array, create an empty list, or do a selection on data.  Extension methods and Linq have clear advantages for data processing here (though I have found these have a slight overhead relative to the for loop equivalents).  Yield statements in Java also would seem to be useful. At the same time, Java had some things that would have been nice in C#.  I had to implement basic collection types like immutable hashsets and dictionaries, a LinkedHashSet class as well as an OrderedGenericDictionary during the port.  These should be in the C# language.


This of course am what I am most interested in.  My main computer is broken, so I had to test on my windows desktop at home.  For the test, each program would read a gzipped VCF file for 20,000 lines, first creating an initial lazy class representing a portion of the data and then fully decoding this lazy version to represent the complete data as objects.  The test file was a VCF with >1,000 individuals, though unfortunately most of these individuals were non-calls at various positions, but its what I had on hand. Immediately after porting – After essentially re-writing the Java in C#, I ran some tests.  Both Java and C# can run in either client (low-memory) or server modes.  So I did both, here are the results:
Platform VM Options Working Set Paged Memory Time (s)
Java None 27.8 MB 41.32 MB 11.5
.NET None 28.9 MB 30.22 MB 15.1
Ratio 1 1.35 0.76
Java Server 362.2 MB 414 MB 7.4
.NET Server (GC) 126 MB 332 MB 14.7
Ratio 2.9 1.25 0.5
A couple noticeable conclusions here. First Java is smoking .NET on performance, but this is essentially Java code at this point and it wasn’t written for C#.  Second, there is a massive amount more memory used in server mode, and in Java at least one obtains a large performance win for this cost. After “Sharpening” the code – The initial port was basically Java, so I cleaned it up a bit after running it through the profiler, here are some notable changes:
  • String.Split winds up being a big cost in this parsing.  When porting I initially just recreated an array every time, after I realized I was recreating such large arrays I reused them as in the Java code.
  • In C# you can use unsafe pointers and I got a big performance win out of these.  I grabbed the System.String.Split code from the Mono framework, trimmed/altered it, and used it for all the split methods that seemed to be taking a long time.  The Java version also implements a custom Split method, though obviously can’t use pointers.
  • Some additional cleanup in the logic.
Platform VM Options Working Set Paged Memory Time (s)
Java None 27.8 MB 41.32 MB 11.6
.NET None 28.9 MB 30.22 MB 12.6
Ratio 1 1.35 0.92
Java Server 362.2 MB 414 MB 7.4
.NET Server (GC) 123 MB 181.61 MB 10.8
Ratio 3 2.27 0.68
So round 2, and once again Java is the winner for speed in server mode, though at a high cost in memory.  For the lower memory client model, it is nearly a tie between the two.

What explains the difference?

These programs are nearly identical but the bottleneck is not the same in both. It seems C# can split strings much faster and Java can allocate memory much faster.  Although I am less familiar with the Java profiler, it seems to show 66% of the time is spent on the String splits.  In contrast, in C# the methods that are taking up time have to do with allocating memory (constructors) and the GC, string splits are only ~17% of the total time. image image One the one hand, this means that the JVM is really doing a great job in server mode on memory allocations and other optimizations.  I can’t think why C# shouldn’t be able to match the JVM performance (perhaps dynamic recompilation is really killing it here).  On the other hand, it means that the C# program can still be improved, while I can’t really see how to improve the Java one.  The String.Split method has already been rewritten, and I didn’t see any reasonable improvements for it.  In contrast, both programs have several places where memory allocations can be saved.  For example, one aspect of the parser is that it relies on a factory class to create another class and so allocates twice the memory that it needs as it creates two large objects.  Simply having one object be it’s own factory would solve this.  Similarly, several empty lists are repeatedly created that could point to the same list or simply be skipped.  I wanted this parser to generally match the Java version, so did not pursue these changes, but my guess is they may shrink the difference (though again, in Java this clearly didn’t matter).


The JVM is the clear winner on speed, particularly in server mode where memory isn’t an issue.  C# was the clear winner on brevity, syntax and language features.  The difference was only substantial in server mode, and the C# program (and likely the Java program) were far from optimal, but it gives a rough hint at how they compare.  The next question will be how they compare when C# runs with mono on a Linux environment.

Software Patents

In the dark moments when one wonders if their research is doing enough to better the world, it’s always nice to remember you’re not a patent lawyer.  The radio program This American Life did a fantastic investigation of this issue recently, highly recommended and very entertaining, so I thought I would point it out here.  It explains how broken the system is, and although I don’t know how best to ensure people are compensated for their creative works, clearly we need better solutions.

The outcome of perceived or real patent fights basically moved me away from the Linux desktop.  In 2006 I thought the Linux desktop would become the world standard (the other options were far from awesome).  Instead the technology company that spends the least on research and development rose to prominence and essentially everyone I know who uses Linux comes from the tail end of the most affluent class of society (which probably makes them great targets for the now integrated Amazon search).  Here’s hoping this mess gets cleaned up in the next few years.

How to remove the “Trial Edition” banner from the VisiFire open source chart kit

Visifire is a very good graphing component for making silverlight or WPF applications.  The component was first released as an open source library on GoogleCode, but since then has been made a closed source proprietary and for profit project.  The newer version contains several enhancements, but the open source version is still quite useful.  The greatest advantage is that while chart rendering can be impossibly slow with the Silverlight/WPF toolkit, it is very fast with visifire.

Unfortunately, it is hard to find the original open source version, it is available at: .  Even after downloading the open source version, one still sees a rather annoying “Visifire Trial Edition” banner in the upper right corner (shown below), which looks unprofessional.


Removing this in the source code is complicated because this “Trial Edition Tag” is generated in an obfuscated fashion (presumably to prevent people from doing just that).  The text and hyperlink are encoded as byte arrays, which are unpacked in a somewhat convoluted way.  They can be found in the Visifire Control class.

private static Byte[] wmRegVal = new Byte[] { 0x56, 0x69, 0x73, 0x69, 0x66, 0x69, 0x72, 0x65, 0x20, 0x54, 0x72, 0x69, 0x61, 0x6C, 0x20, 0x45, 0x64, 0x69, 0x74, 0x69, 0x6F, 0x6E };

private Byte[] wmLinkVal = new Byte[] { 0x68, 0x74, 0x74, 0x70, 0x3A, 0x2F, 0x2F, 0x77, 0x77, 0x77, 0x2E, 0x56, 0x69, 0x73, 0x69, 0x66, 0x69, 0x72, 0x65, 0x2E, 0x63, 0x6F, 0x6D, 0x2F, 0x6C, 0x69, 0x63, 0x65, 0x6E, 0x73, 0x65, 0x2E, 0x70, 0x68, 0x70 };

After downloading the open source version, simply search for these arrays, comment them out, and then comment out the one line that uses them them when directed to by the compiler error.  Rebuild, and voila!  No more banner in your open source software.

Comparing data structure enumeration speeds in C#

Determining which data structure to use for storing data involves trade-offs between how much memory they require and how long different operations, such as insertions, deletions, or searches take.  In C#, using a linear array is the fastest way to enumerate all of the objects in a collection.  However, the use of an array or list can have multiple drawbacks.  For example, Arrays and lists in C# can have frustrating size limits as objects in the CLR, regardless of system architecture, cannot be over 2 GB in size*.  Similarly, while a good data-structure for enumerations, lists and arrays are slower than other alternatives for searching.

I recently had a dataset for which the abilities to search, enumerate and hold over 2 GB of data from the collection were desirable.  These criteria naturally make a tree like data structure appealing.  However, in a high level language like C# where performance can often heavily depend on which run-time optimizations the virtual machine utilizes, determining the actual performance hit incurred by using a tree as compared to a list during an enumeration is more accurately answered with empirical data than Big O notation.

So, I tested how enumeration performance varies between a balanced binary tree and a list.  Since the tree was being enumerated by using the yield statement when a relevant node was found, I compared three methods.  One where a class containing a binary tree is enumerated with a yield, one where a class containing a list is enumerated with a yield statement (that is the class enumerates its internal list and yields each element), and one where that same class is enumerated by simply passing out the original List object.  In all cases enumerating 220 objects in total.  Here is the time comparison.



Balanced binary tree  with yield statement

.110 seconds

List with yield statement

.055 seconds

List  without yield statement.

.016 seconds

These values do not vary substantially based on the order of operations or repeated trials.  So, yowza,  an order of magnitude difference in enumerating the objects, which seemed far more severe than I would have imagined (I was expecting about 3X).  It appears much of this is due to the method call and overhead of the yield statement.  The two methods using the list are logically identical in code, but it seems the compiler can’t quite figure that out, leading to a 5X drop in performance.  Out of curiosity, I also compared to a dictionaries enumeration speed which took about twice as long as the fast list method, but which ran out of memory with a higher number of elements pretty readily.

My take home on this, is to only use arrays and lists in C# if the enumeration speed of a collection appears limiting.  It appears traversal of trees in the language is very slow, so trees are not generally recommended when the operations per node are fast.


*This may change on newer version of the MS CLR

Code Below

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Globalization;

namespace TestTreeVersusList
    class Program
        public static int TreeDepth = 24;
        public static int ElementNumber=(int)(Math.Pow(2,TreeDepth));
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Stopwatch sw = new Stopwatch();
            ulong val = 0;
            ////now for the list
            val = 0;
            ListEnumerator le = new ListEnumerator();
            foreach (node num in le.GetNodes())
                val += num.value;
            Console.WriteLine("Time Taken For List with yield: " + sw.Elapsed.TotalSeconds.ToString() + " seconds");

            foreach (node num in le.curList)
                val += num.value;
            Console.WriteLine("Time Taken For List without yield: " + sw.Elapsed.TotalSeconds.ToString() + " seconds");
            le = null;

            //create a tree and a list
            BinaryTreeEnumerator tree = new BinaryTreeEnumerator();
            val = 0;
            foreach (node num in tree.GetNodes())
                val += num.value;
            Console.WriteLine("Time Taken For Tree: " + sw.Elapsed.TotalSeconds.ToString() + " seconds");
            tree = null;
            DictionaryEnumerator dict = new DictionaryEnumerator();
            val = 0;
            foreach (var kv in dict.dict)//.dict)
                //val = kv.Key;
            Console.WriteLine("Time Taken For Dictionary: " + sw.Elapsed.TotalSeconds.ToString() + " seconds");
            dict = null;
    class node
        public ulong value;
        public object o;
        public node Left;
       public node Right;
    class BinaryTreeEnumerator
        node root;
        int nodeCount;
        public IEnumerable<node> GetNodes()
            Stack<node> traversalStack = new Stack<node>(2 * Program.TreeDepth);
            while (traversalStack.Count > 0)
                node current;
                current = traversalStack.Pop();
                if (current != null)
                    if (current.value != 0)
                    yield return current;
        //Just make a binary tree with a bunch of elements
        public BinaryTreeEnumerator()
            this.root = new node() { value = 1, o = null };
            node current;
            Queue<node> traversalStack = new Queue<node>(2*Program.TreeDepth);
            while (traversalStack.Count > 0 && nodeCount < Program.ElementNumber)
                current = traversalStack.Dequeue();
                if (current.value != 0)
                    current.Left = new node() { value = 1, o = null };
                    current.Right = new node() { value = 1, o = null };
                    nodeCount += 2;
    class ListEnumerator
        public List<node> curList;
        public ListEnumerator()
            curList = new List<node>(Program.ElementNumber);
            for(int i=0;i<Program.ElementNumber;i++)
                 curList.Add(new node(){value=1,o=null});
        public IEnumerable<node> GetNodes()
            foreach (node n in curList)
                 yield return n;
    class DictionaryEnumerator
        public Dictionary<ulong,node> dict = new Dictionary<ulong,node>();
        public DictionaryEnumerator()
            for (ulong i = 0; i < (ulong)Program.ElementNumber; i++)
                dict[i] = new node() { value = i, o = null };
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Compile Bowtie2 on Windows 64 bit.

Bowtie 2 is a program that efficiently aligns next generation sequence data to a reference genome. However, the version distributed by the authors only compiles on POSIX platforms. These instructions will allow you to compile it on windows by downloading the Mingw64 tools and editing the make file before building the program. Instructions
  1. Download the Bowtie 2 source code. Extract the code to a location on your disk.
  2. Download the mingW64 compiler tools. These tools are much easier to use if they are downloaded as a package from this site: TDM Compiler Package. Be sure to select the TDM 64 bit version of the tools.
  3. Run the installer for the package. When prompted, select all of the available packages for installation.
  4. In explorer, navigate to where you unzipped the source code for bowtie. Find the file called Makefile and edit it. A great way to do this is to install the program notepad++. If notepad++ is installed, simply write click on the file and select “edit with notepad++”.
  5. Edit the file so that it knows it is compiling on Ming and Windows. To do this, insert # marks in front of all the if/else statements, so that lines 35 to 53 of the file look like this:
    # Detect Cygwin or MinGW
    #WINDOWS = 0
    #CYGWIN = 0
    #MINGW = 0
    #ifneq (,$(findstring CYGWIN,$(shell uname)))
    #WINDOWS = 1 
    #CYGWIN = 1
    # POSIX memory-mapped files not currently supported on Windows
    #BOWTIE_MM = 0
    #ifneq (,$(findstring MINGW,$(shell uname)))
    WINDOWS = 1
    MINGW = 1
    # POSIX memory-mapped files not currently supported on Windows
    BOWTIE_MM = 0
  6. Now edit the makefile so it points to a correct pthreads library. Edit line 76 so it reads as follows:
    PTHREAD_LIB = -lpthread
  7. Edit the file so that it compiles as 64 bit, change lines 121-132 to the following
    # Convert BITS=?? to a -m flag
    #ifeq (x86_64,$(shell uname -m))
    #ifeq (32,$(BITS))
    #BITS_FLAG = -m32
    #ifeq (64,$(BITS))
    BITS_FLAG = -m64
  8. Go to start->All Programs->MingGW64->MingGW Command prompt
  9. Navigate to the directory with the source code and make file by entering the cd command at the prompt, e.g.
    cd C:\Programs\bowtie2-2.0.6-source\bowtie2-2.0.6 
  10. Type “make” and hit enter.
  11. All done!
  12. Edit: One person had a comment on this, if this doesn’t work you may have to use teh MinGW shell. Edit: It has been pointed out that the BowTie2 team doesn’t use memory mapped files on windows. This might mean large genomes are less performant.

Not All Poisson Random Variables Are Created Equally

Spurred by a slow running program, I spent an afternoon researching what algorithms are available for generating Poisson random variables and figuring out which methods are used by R, Matlab, NumPy, the GNU Science Libraray and various other available packages. I learned some things that I think would be useful to have on the internet somewhere, so I thought it would be good material for a first blog post. Many meaningfully different algorithms exists to simulate from a Poisson distribution and commonly used code libraries and programs have not settled on the same method. I found some of the available tools use inefficient methods, though figuring out which method a package used often required me to  work through the source code.
(from Wikipedia)

(from Wikipedia)

This blog post explains the specific algorithms that commonly used packages implement. For those looking for the quick take away, the lesson is to avoid the default Matlab implementation and the GNU Science Library (GSL). For context, when deciding which Poisson simulation routine to use there are essentially two important questions. The first is if you will be repeatedly simulating values conditioned on the same mean parameter value (λ).  If so, methods that that store certain pre-computed information offer very big performance improvements.  However, essentially no package implements these routines (with some exceptions discussed at the end).  The second question is if you are frequently going to simulate with a λ > 10.  Poisson simulation methods usually switch between two different methods depending on if λ is above or below 10 (this “decision value” can change slightly but seems to always be >=10).  When λ is below 10, the algorithms are all very similar and their speed scales with the value of λ.  Where the algorithms really differ is how fast they are when  λ > 10. For λ > 10, the GNU Science Library (GSL) and Matlab have slower algorithms that are of order log(λ).  Their methods are straightforward implementations from pages 137-138 of Knuth’s Seminumerical Algorithms book  (specifically the 1998 version, older versions had a more inaccurate algorithm). On these pages Knuth’s book presents a 1974 algorithm by Aherns and Dieter [1] but he unfortunately only introduces the more efficient algorithm from Aherns and Dieters’ 1982 paper [2] with an excercise buried at the end of the chapter.  This was an understandable decision given the complexity of the 1982 method, but it is somewhat unfortunate for Matlab and GSL users. A major breakthrough in algorithms for Poisson random generators came with the publication of the first O(1) algorithm in 1979 by Atkinson [3] and methods from then on are signifcantly better. The Math.NET  project uses this 1979 algorithm in their sampler.  A still better method is the 1982 Aherns and Dieter method which is also heavily used.  For example, the R Project  uses this efficient algorithm.  Importantly, the R version also checks to see if it can avoid recomputing values if the same λ value is being used on repeated function calls. To me, this is just another example of how great the core R implementations often are.  Although in my field the GSL seems to dominate when people code, I think a reason for this is that a lot of people don’t realize that many R functions can be easily incorporated into C/C++ code using the R Stand Alone Math Library.  I have found simulating with the R libraries has many advantages over using the GSL. In 1986 Luc Devroye published a real tome on Random Variate Generation (that is freely available online).  Within it was a very good algorithm, which I gather is based on a 1981 paper, that is currently implemented by the Infer .NET package and the Apache Commons Math Java library.  The algorithm is given on page 511 of the book, but anyone independently implementing it should be aware that the published errata corrects some errors in the original publication of this algorithm (Infer.NET has these corrections, but I didn’t check for them in the Apache Commons library). The most modern algorithm I found implemented was a 1993 algorithm by Hormann [5], which his benchmarks showed either outperformed other algorithms at many λ values, or was not that meaningfully slower over a narrower range of λ values. Numpy implements this routine, and it seems at least one commentator on another blog  implemented it as well. So which to use?  I think one should make sure they are using a post-1979 algorithm (so not Matlab or GSL).  Routines after this point are similar enough that if simulating Poisson variables is still the bottleneck one should benchmark available code that implements these different options.  At this point the coding/implementation specifics, and the ease of using that library, will likely be more important than the algorithm.  If no available option adequately performs, the algorithms in [2], [4] and [5] can be evaluated for application to a specific usage scenario, though by then it is probably worth knowing that the algorithms that are truly the fastest have efficient pre-computed tables or a particular λ  value [6] .  One such table lookup method from reference [6] is implemented in Matlab code available from an open source file exchange here.  Though I did not completely evaluate [6], the 2004 paper says it can outperform (5X-15X faster) the other algorithms I have discussed.  However, after a quick run through of the paper, I couldn’t tell if the benchmarks in [6] were based on repeated simulations from the same λ value, or with constantly changing λ values (I suspect it is the former which is why this algorithm is not widely adopted).  The algorithm in [6] strikes me as very efficient for the same λ value, and C code for it is available from the publishing journal.  Interestingly, a Matlab benchmark test shows this method is about 10X faster than the default poissrnd Matlab function, even though it recreates the required look up tables on each function call.  However, I suspect the performance increase is slightly exaggerated because the original Matlab function has such a slow routine and this method switches directly to the normal approximation of the Poisson distribution when λ is over 1,000.  This shortcut could easily be incorporated to every other method mentioned, though the direct methods seem fast enough that I personally would not like to muck around evaluating how well one distribution mathematically approximates another distribution that itself is only approximating a complex reality. Which brings me to the end of the first blog post.  If you are still reading this you slogged through some insights gained from someone who just read Fortran code and academic papers from a time when Nirvana was still just a Buddhist goal and not a grunge rock band.  Hopefully it prevents someone else from doing the same.


1. Ahrens JH, Dieter U (1974) Computer methods for sampling from gamma, beta, poisson and bionomial distributions. Computing 12: 223-246. 2. Ahrens JH, Dieter U (1982) Computer generation of Poisson deviates from modified normal distributions. ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software (TOMS) 8: 163-179. 3. Atkinson A (1979) The computer generation of Poisson random variables. Applied Statistics: 29-35. 4. Devroye L (1986) Non-uniform random variate generation: Springer-Verlag New York. 5. Hörmann W (1993) The transformed rejection method for generating Poisson random variables. Insurance: Mathematics and Economics 12: 39-45. 6. Marsaglia G, Tsang WW, Wang J (2004) Fast generation of discrete random variables. Journal of Statistical Software 11: 1-11.